dooba hua example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest डूबा हुआ dooba hua news and headlines :
1. 20 करोड़ रुपए महीने से ऊपर का कारोबार है बोतल बंद पानी का संजय पाठक/अमनेश दुबे| रायपुर पानी संकट के बहाने सरकारी तंत्र और विभिन्न अफसरों ने आम लोगों के लिए दिए गए करोड़ों रुपए डुबोए ही, कारोबारी जगत भी पानी के नाम पर कई तरह की गड़बड़ियों में डूबा हुआ है bhaskar.com2. रायपुर.   पानी संकट के बहाने सरकारी तंत्र और विभिन्न अफसरों ने आम लोगों के लिए दिए गए करोड़ों रुपए डुबोए ही, कारोबारी जगत भी पानी के नाम पर कई तरह की गड़बड़ियों में डूबा हुआ है bhaskar.com3. हादसे के बाद पूरा गांव शोक में डूबा हुआ है
4. चार्ल्स डिकेन की 19वीं सदी की नॉवेल 'ग्रेट एक्सपेक्टेशन' पर आधारित अभिषेक कपूर की फिल्म 'फितूर' का हर फ्रेम महत्वाकांक्षा और सुंदरता में जैसे डूबा हुआ हैibnlive.comUsage and Example of dooba hua 1. पूरा अमृतसर ज़िला चौतरफ़ा रक्तपात में डूबा हुआ था। 2. रोहिणी ने अपनी मण्डली के साथ देशप्रेम में डूबा हुआ गीत शुरू किया। 3. मगनदास निराश विचारों में डूबा हुआ शहर से बाहर निकल आया और एक सराय में ठहरा जो सिर्फ इसलिए मशहूर थी, कि वहॉँ शराब की एक दुकान थी।

Given are the examples of hindi word dooba hua usage in english sentences. The examples of dooba hua are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., drowned, bad, lost, deep, full.

Macroeconomics has, therefore, deep roots in microeconomics because it has to study the aggregate effects of the forces of demand and supply in the markets.

For the last two years all our bad news had come from there the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer and I thought to myself, without stopping, What can be the matter now? Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Wachter, who was there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me, Don t go so fast, bub; you ll get to your school in plenty of time! I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M.
Hamel say to me, I won t scold you, little Franz; you must feel bad enough.
However, we do find bad quality products in the market because the supervision of these rules is weak and the consumer movement is also not strong enough.
Chola bronze statues (see Chapter 2) were made using the lost wax technique.
As the Company traders moved to Bombay, Calcutta (present-day Kolkata) and Madras (present-day Chennai), Masulipatnam lost both its merchants and prosperity and declined in the course of the eighteenth century, being today nothing more than a dilapidated little town.
He lost two of his four ships, and of the 170 men at the start of the journey, only 54 survived.
Some important reasons for absenteeism are bad working conditions, inadequate rewards, lack of recognition, poor relations with supervisors and colleagues etc.
Richard was competitive, Mr Weiherer continued, but not in a bad sense.
From the time the book, The Travels of Monarch , opened the world of science to him, Richard Ebright has never lost his scientific curiosity.
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